25 Things You Probably Don’t Know About Me

1. Show my love to the environment by not wasting water (baca: jarang mandi)
2. Can’t stand walking behind someone who walks slow.
3. Have more than 30 pairs of high heels and only one sport shoes.
4. Afraid of heights but hoping someday I have the courage to do bungee jumping.
5. Nerd? That’s who I am. Some things never change 😛
6. Never smoke my whole life (see point #5 :P)
7. Went to a club only once in my life. Kamasutra, Bali during EID’s 2007 outing. (see point #5)
8. Hit the pole when I walked while calling a boy’s name (Bintang, a neighborhood cat who’s just like any other guy I know: playing hard to get and unpredictable) 😛
9. Love black coffee. It helps my digestive system. Sorry for those with heartburn history 😀
10. Love dimsum and sushi. Instantly boost my mood.
11. Have no problem going to movies alone.
12. Have no problem going to movies with someone special (if any..hehehe)
13. Believe the one and only good music from Australia is Savage Garden. And they split already. And the leading vocal, Darren Hayes is gay. And…I still love him. *sob*
14. Looking for a cheap but good guitar… (ada yg mau jual ato ngasi? :D)
15. Don’t like group exercise (body combat, etc) because I like to take things slow and communicate with my own body.
16. Think Meggi Z was making a big mistake when he sang ‘Lebih baik sakit gigi daripada sakit hati’
17. Love surprises ^^ (and can pull off THE surprised expression even though I know it’s coming)
18. Believe someday I will love cooking 😀
19. Believe someday I will be a certified diver.
20. Totally believe that everything happens for a reason. There’s no random coincidence.
21. Uncomfortable being with a narcissistic person. Usually I will respond to her self-absorbed ‘confidence’ with my signature dry humour and sarcastic jokes. She,as predicted, doesn’t understand 😀
22. Will order blueberry cheese cake from Ully for Valentine’s day IF I receive my paycheck before Friday. *fingers crossed, Ly*
23. Suddenly remember a quote from ‘Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind’: Valentine’s Day is a holiday invented by greeting card companies to make people feel like crap.
24. Can’t wait for March to come 😉
25. Believe that if a guy’s ring finger is shorter than his index finger, he’s probably gay (pssssttt..go check your guy!)

Pagi yang aneh…

Tadi pagi seperti biasa gw naik busway dari Blok M ke Harmoni. Tapi ternyata hari ini adalah apa pun selain biasa. Dari ngantri masuk busway, di depan gw ada bapak pake kemeja garis2 kuning yang ga tau kenapa terus bilang ‘haduh duh duh’ padahal ga disenggol. Dia bilang gitu 3 kali, sampe udah masuk busway dan mendaratkan pantat juga masih ‘haduh duh duh’. Mungkin ada jarum kali ya..ato dia udhunen1 di situ? Hehehehe…

Nah terus kan gw duduk, langsung ngeluarin novel ‘Honeymoon With My Brother’. Sebelah kiri gw nenek2, pake baju kondangan gitu deh,warna putih yg udah pudar dan banyak noda. Yang gw makin heran dia cuma pake sandal jepit dan ga bawa tas. Tangannya cuma menggenggam duit, tp gw ga liat duitnya berapa. Mungkin dia takut gw copet jd pegangnya kuenceng banget. Hmmm..something to think about…

Yak lanjut yah..sebelah kanan gw seorang om2 yang gw tebak bakal turun di Glodok 😀 *yang mana kemungkinan besar benar krn sampe Harmoni dia ga turun*

Belon lama buswaynya jalan, nenek di sebelah kiri gw udah tidur. Hebat banget dah pelornya (nempel langsung molor). Belon sampe halte Masjid Agung, nenek udah sukses jatuh ke pelukan gw (sounds very disturbing ya?) hehehe… maksud gw dia bener2 nempelin kepalanya di lengan gw. Gw diem aja (reaksi gw kalo kaget adalah diem, jd gw yakin bgt kalo si nenek ini Medusa dengan ular2 di kepalanya gw udah sukses mati ‘tergigit cinta’2).

Belum cukup gw terkaget-kaget, om di sebelah kanan gw tiba2 komat-kamit ga jelas, mirip orang dengan Tourette syndrome. Bahasanya ga jelas juga, mungkin dialek Hokkian ato Tiociu. Bisa juga dia niat ngebantuin gw dengan merapal mantra supaya gw ga digigit ular2 di kepala si nenek (oke, gw officially mengalami kesulitan membedakan fakta dan fiksi). Ga tau deh, situasinya bener2 aneh. Gw tetep…berusaha konsen dengan novel gw yang masuk bab Franz Wisner dan brothernya berkeliling di Amerika Selatan.

Mbak2 di depan gw mulai cengar-cengir ngeliat adegan nenek berambut kelabu lepek dengan ular-ular malas di kepalanya bersandar ke bahu seorang gadis cantik. Well, gw yakin mereka pada sirik aja sama gw. Di satu kesempatan, kepala si nenek bahkan jatuh ke pangkuan gw, completely menutup buku gw. Again, harusnya gw njerit ‘KYAAAAA…’ because that was very very frightening. Tapi gw sekali lagi cuma diam kaya orang bego. Muka gw aja yang berekspresi aneh sampe mbak di depan gw ketawa terbahak2. Bener2 deh..gw rasa dia emang sirik sm gw. Next, si nenek terbangun…dan membetulkan posisi kepalanya. Di bahu gw. Okay…ini emang bener2 ANEH. How can someone feel very comfortable in a shoulder of a stranger?3

Gw yang masih berusaha cool tetap meneruskan membaca. Tiba2 hape si om sebelah kanan gw berbunyi. Nada deringnya ST12, ‘Saat Terakhir’ yang ‘Satu jam saja kutelah bisa cintai kamu;kamu;kamu (ingat anak2, kamunya tiga kali!!!) di hatiku, Namun bagiku melupakanmu butuh waktuku seumur hidup’. Gw memandang si om dengan pandangan tak percaya. Bagaimana mungkin seorang om terhormat berumur 40 tahunan menyukai Charly Van Houten dari ST12??? Kenapa bukan Andy Lau, atau Jackie Cheung, atau Jay Chou? (hmm…pilihan terakhir juga menimbulkan kecurigaan berlebihan). Gw inget minggu lalu waktu karaoke bareng anak2 di Nav, Malang temen gw Dimon nyanyi lagu ST12 yang ini, yang (tentu saja) direspon secara kejam oleh kami dengan ‘bwahahahahahhahahhahhah’ disertai kontes pantomim menirukan gerakan Charly yang senang menyentuh bagian2 tertentu dari tubuhnya 😀

Gw langsung ingat ekspresi Dimon yang ‘terluka’ dan ‘sedih karena harga dirinya terkoyak’ saat kami menertawakan lagu kesayangannya. Gw yakin banget dia dalam hati nyumpahin gw yang duduk persis di sebelah dia dengan suara tawa yang paling barbar dan bahasa tubuh paling mirip Charly (what can I say? I’m a natural actor).

Rupanya ini pembalasan krn sumpah Dimon. Gw pagi ini duduk di sebelah om2 yang hapenya bolak-balik menyanyikan ‘Saat Terakhir’. Gw sungguh bersumpah semoga itu adalah ‘saat terakhir’ gw mendengarkan lagu itu!!!

Jadi situasi tadi bener2 ajaib. Sebelah kiri gw ‘nenek berambut Medusa’ yang menempelkan kepalanya dengan sangat nyaman ke pundak gw. Sebelah kanan gw ‘om meracau’ dengan selera musik ST12. Si om sempat berhenti meracau dengan logat asingnya itu. Tepatnya waktu dia ngetawain gw pas si nenek medusa berusaha membuat gw menelan ular2nya itu. Abis ketawa, dia meracau lagi.

Sampe di Harmoni, gw ragu waktu mau bangun, takut ngebangunin si nenek. Tapi dia entah gimana, tiba-tiba menegakkan posisi duduknya dan menarik kepalanya dari bahu gw. Gw sempet pengen ngasi jaket gw ke dia, takut dia kedinginan ato apa. Tapi gw takut dia marah krn dikira orang miskin. Jadi gw turun. Gw berharap nenek itu selamat sampe tujuan. Dan semoga orang di sebelah kanannya akan berbuat seperti gw (minus ekspresi ajaib dan cengo): mengijinkan dia bersandar sejenak. Because deep down, I hope if someday I am too tired and need a break, there’s someone at my side that lets me rest in his shoulder. Just for a while.

1 bisul di pantat 😀

2 lagu aneh yang stuck di kepalamu. Yang nyanyi Hello, judulnya Ular Berbisa. Liriknya gini nih:

Seperti ular seperti ular
Yang sangat berbisa sangat berbisa
Suka memangsa suka memangsa
Diriku tergigit cinta

3 Judul paper gw kalo gw sekolah di Hogwarts, School of Weirds and Weirdos.

Some Things I Wish I Knew Then

I wish I knew I would not fail my grades if I spent an extra hour with my friends at school/college just to get to know them better.

I wish I knew that friendship is worth more than a valedictorian speech or recognition that I am the best student at school.

I wish I knew that a few extra pounds gained during a holiday or dinner date with my friends were nothing compared to the joy and comfort of friendship they gave me.

I wish I knew that a true friend is the one that accepts me just the way I am and makes me feel good about myself, instead of using me to make him/her feel good about themselves.

I wish I knew that a smile is the best cosmetics of happiness.

I wish I knew that my infectious laughter is my signature (which remembered fondly by my friends), and not my weakness to conceal.

I wish I knew that simple things in life are indeed big things. And those things are worth fighting for.

I wish I knew that if I really really want him for me, it’s not love. It’s a selfish obsession.

I wish I knew that loving someone means so much for me regardless of whether or not my love reciprocates.

I wish I knew that being true to myself is much better than saving my pride. And showing that I care is not something to be ashamed of (kata Gege, cewe gengsian itu ngerugi 😀 )

I wish I knew that sometimes I can be too quick to judge and my hasty judgment can hurt someone that I love.


PDA. Public Display of Affection.

I just came home from PIM, watching ‘Bedtime Stories’ (of course alone. Read my rationale here. I don’t want to explain myself all over again.) On an elevator down, I saw them. A Korean young couple, probably in their teens hugging. How did I know they were Korean? Well, I just knew. They were really hugging, like sticking-their-bodies-together hugging. A passionate, possessive hug. Then he kissed her in the neck.  I said to myself, “This must be my lucky day. It’s just greaaaaatttttt.” *rolling eyes*

Then…when I thought my day couldn’t have had any better ending, I saw another unforgettable scene. I saw a young mum and her baby. She held the baby in her arms and they danced. She waltz her baby in front of Kafe Victoria. Both mum and daughter were smiling and laughing. I smiled too 🙂 It was so sweet I almost cried.

I walked home thinking how desperate the Universe trying to tell me “Being single’s never been easy” (terjemahan bebas: Jomblo ya? Kasian deh lo!!!!)

Money, money, money

How do you see money? Is it of utmost importance? Is it important but you have other things you value more? Or is it just another means to get something you need?

I’ve never given much thought about money. I was kinda late in realizing that I need money to get by. I was given daily allowance since I was in elementary school and I seldom used it. It stayed in my pocket until I went home and I just did what my mother said “Put your money in the piggybank.” Little did I know that those innocent days were the happiest in my life. I was raised in a modest family. Not rich, not poor. Just the average. I never remembered starving or had to skimp for anything. But I do remember that I never had a Barbie doll because my parents could not afford it. It’s true. I knew exactly the financial situation of my parents. So I never told them that I wanted that Barbie Doll and her house.

Now that I work and manage my own money, at times I simply forget that it is very volatile. I didn’t score good in savings. I like to enjoy my money to make life a little bit easier. I really don’t know what should I do with my savings? Buy a house? Hmmm…still takes years for that. Buy a car? I can’t drive. My married friends all say that I should enjoy my single life. Once you’re married, they say, you can’t think of buying that pair of shoes or joining that gym. So now, enjoy your money while you can.  I have one savings that is automatically moved to another. The later account (TRM: Tabungan Rencana Mandiri) cannot be withdrawn before it’s due. Mine is one year. My mistake is putting too much money in it (40% of my monthly paycheck). So I basically skimp to live as I have to spend 35% for fixed expenses like monthly rent, internet, gym, and insurance. Now I’m screwed as I haven’t got my November salary. There’s some administration issue that left three of us in this miserable, penniless state. Well, my boss actually hasn’t got his too but he’s loaded anyway. So he doesn’t count 😛

At this time, I just realize how fast it is to push someone into poverty. Two weeks delay in someone’s paycheck is enough to cause widespread panic. I, for instance, can’t have good sleep for nights and sometimes migraine. My father had to lend me 2,500,000 Rups so that I can pay my rent, my internet, and simply for me to live.

Lucky kitten

Lucky kitten

Money has something to do with dignity, I just figured. Last week a friend from Bandung came to Jakarta and he asked if we could meet. Luckily he said ‘It’s on me’ when he suggested we have dinner. I am usually more comfortbale with ‘let’s go dutch’ kind of dinner. But just for that night, I said ‘Ok’ without second-thought. In return of him paying our dinner, I listened to his problems with a girl he liked. I offered him my advice. Okay, that made me feel better. So I didn’t get my dinner for free you know? I gave him enlightenment 😉

As of now, I still have migraine which seems to stay until I come out of this poverty. My father’s advice is: pray. Okay…that actually irritated me. I need a practical solution for this wordly problem. If I don’t get my paycheck till tomorrow I will cancel my TRM account to get my money. Of course I will have to pay some fees because of the agreement breach. But I have no other choice. I can’t let myself borrowing money from my parents and friends. That would make me feel worse. Just as I write this, another friend asked me out for a cup of coffee he promised. This guy is actually a no-no for me. But an hour of sitting at that comfy Starbucks couch with a cup of deliriously fancy coffee at this time when I have to skimp everything is a heavenly treat I cannot resist. And I’m pretty sure I won’t even feel all the attractions I once felt for him. I will definetely concentrate on sipping 30,000 Rups++ Espresso Con Panna. When you’re penniless, you don’t wear your heart on your sleeves.

Public Apology

I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to all parties that may feel offended or get hurt by my writings. Though I have never written down any names (except my best friends a.k.a  loyal readers of my blog),  some content of my blog are based on my experience with certain people. I have not consulted anyone prior to writing, thus what I write purely reflects my point of view and not others’. Please also keep in mind that, while I may have a strong opinion about a particular issue at that time (when I write something), I may think differently now, or even a week after I write it. Hence the sub-title of my blog: snapshots of journey to peace of mind. For example, I might have written that I was into the idea of singlehood. The other time you check my blog, you may find that I am in love (it’s just an example, I’m not in that stage yet. Wanna lend a hand? 😀 ) and laugh at those moments when I felt like I’m cursed to be single forever (again, exaggeration).

What I’m trying to say is, please please don’t take this blog too seriously. It is never my intention to speak ill of the object of my writings or worse, to make readers think negative about  him/her. It’s just me, a sarcastic, dim-witted putz.  If you feel I have resentment or wrong judgment towards you, I sincerely and wholeheartedly apologize. This sorry note may be too little, too late. I can’t do anything about it. I really want to apologize personally but me asking if you indeed have read my blog is just inappropriate and probably will make things worse. After all, you know who you are. I’m sorry. Dui bu qi. Gomenasai. Je suis regrete.

I am sorry

PS: Just let me know if you want some post to be removed. Thanks.

Independent, unmarried women: liberation or desperation?

It’s an inevitable social phenomenon you find everywhere, especially in big cities. Of course there are lots of them in small towns as well, with lesser emphasis on ‘independent’. You must have heard about an unmarried aunt that lives with her mother or siblings. Maybe you have one or two in your family or relatives. In some way, I think their life is unbearable. Facing the social stigma is one thing. But being in that ‘prime’ age with no financial security is another, even bigger, issue. Just talking about this makes me depressed. That’s why I will skip this group and move on to their counterparts in big cities with big jobs. It’s a greener pasteur there, or so I thought 😀

We should first address the age criteria. I’d say above 30. Others may disapprove but I bet not any single soul would say above 26, right? Because, I’d have to kill you first before I finish this post. And then I might kill myself. No lah, of course I’m joking 😀 I will only strangle you until your face turns blue and then choke you with some popsicles. And I will NOT be suicidal after that. I mean, come on…look at you with that popsicle! It will definitely cheer me up a little bit 😉

Presumably someone has a university degree and starts her professional career at the age of 22, by the time she reaches 30 she will have already worked for 8 years. Chance is, she is now relatively successful (career-wise). She may afford a small apartment or a house. She may ride a comfy Honda Jazz. In short, she has everything a young girl longs for. And isn’t it what emancipation and women liberation movement strove for decades ago? The equal economy rights, the same access to secure jobs as men. Yes, it is. Then what’s the problem? I’ll tell you what it is. It’s true that society now accepts a woman’s success better than it used to.1 Yet, it still looks at her with suspecting eyes, and sometimes, pity. For example, if she wants to buy a house. The realtor will ask how many people will live in the house, how she plans to have her children’s bedroom. Then when the deal is made, the realtor would ask “Who will sign these papers?” That’s just unbelievable. She has the money but they still need more proof that she has financial back-up. It’s different with a thirty-something bachelor who decides to buy his own apartment. They don’t badger him with such questions.


And now, the pity part. Why does everyone say a woman’s destiny is to get married, consumated, impregnated, deliver a child, and raise him/her all the best she could? Then if one cycle is not complete, they would say she’s a failure. On the contrary, nobody would call a single, successful man in his 40s a failure. They call him ‘eligible bachelor’. Honestly, the pitying look (along with sympathetic gesture) is the worst form of mockery. Regardless she’s single by choice or condition, she will have to go through the same painful process. Any social occasion can turn into landmines full of judgmental question and cruel jokes. If she has a strong circle of close friends (preferably single 😛 ) that will help big time. If she doesn’t, well… good luck attending next social gathering!

Of course the picture is not, by all means, grim. Accomplishment always feels good. Bright career comes with satisfactory paychecks. Having no children to think of, she can really enjoy life for herself. Come on, think about it. Children-related expenses are taking up a huge portion of a couple’s budget. There is a good reason behind the prevalence of working mums, right? They can’t rely solely on daddy’s paycheck. Lil’ Janey wants to take a ballet class. Her brother Tom nags for a new PSP. How often does a working mum pamper herself in some spa facility? Once a year, perhaps? Does she have time (and budget) to go on a luxury vacation? How many of them pursue their interest, such as taking a classical guitar class, try scuba-diving, or kayaking? It’s not my intention to overmagnify these small treats, as compared to the bliss of motherhood. But I believe that every situation brings its own colors. As a single woman, you won’t have the the colorful pictures hand-painted by your toddler or the warmth of a husband’s hug after a long tiring workday. You will instead, go home to a nice, orderly house/apartment where everything in it works on your interest. No dirty socks, no ugly couch your husband picked, no stern ebony cupboard from mother-in-law. Every single thing in your house is your favorite, and you can change anything anytime you like. And if you still have leisure time after work, you can hang out with your friends at a cozy cafe or dine in a new restaurant. You have choices, that’s the whole point.

I once heard a single friend of mine saying “I’m alone but not lonely.” Another said “I’m single but not available.” I believe that at the time they said it, they felt that way. Strong, invincible, undaunted, so sure about herself. But (why is there always a but? 😛 ) of course there is no single human who feels constantly happy and content. It is normal to feel down sometimes. Or even lonely. Cry if you have to but don’t wallow in self-pity. Count your blessings 🙂

Another happy single woman I met is the one with her famous quote “Don’t marry, be happy” 😀 I don’t know her well enough but she seems comfortable with her life. She has a great job, travels a lot, meets wonderful people. On top of all, she enjoys what she does for a living. She works for a cause and that’s such a reward beyond measure.

I am not going to conclude which group is happier than the other. Afterall, happiness lies in your hand. Only you can make your life complete. You cannot expect the right man to come and change your life. I know it is lucrative to yearn for a happy ending. Blame the fairy tales and sanitized Disney movies for this!2 I still do that, as a matter of fact. No matter how many failed relationships or romantic attempts I have been, I am still as hopeful as I used to be. I don’t know if someday all my faith will wash out. One day I may wake up and give up on the idea of a a companion. I just hope when that day comes, I remember to count my blessings and smile from ear to ear 🙂 And by the way, I may as well take courses to be a certified diver 😉

1 Apparently not all societies. Japan, a mile-high economy success in the world uses the term ‘make inu’ (loser dogs) to insult any woman over 30 who is single and childless. Full story, read here.

2 We have been brainwashed since we are very little. Why isn’t there any beautiful Disney princess living happily ever after without her prince? That’s why I instantly fell in love with Neil Gaiman’s adult fairy tales. In Stardust, for example, Yvaine (a fallen star who can’t age) lost Tristran to old age. In the end, she reigns the kingdom alone. And she pulls it off.

URGENT: Meet him, meet him not?

The guy I told you earlier in this post is in Jakarta. And tomorrow I’m meeting him… Okay, long story. To make it short, I promised him a cup of coffee two years ago  (of course I never meant it). And opposite to what I want – which is I’m meeting him next week in Manila- apparently he adds some twist. He returns to Jakarta! The most important question here is: Should I meet him tomorrow?

Meet him, meet him not

Meet him, meet him not

Some part of me says ‘go ahead’. This is out of curiosity. But it’s the curiosity that kills the cat, isn’t it? The other pros to my going: some reality check. If I know that he’s indeed a jackass, commitment-phobic, insecure, boring guy, it will be such a relief. The cons? Well, there’s a lot actually. He drove me nuts before and I’m scared he’ll do it again. In other words, he’s still capable of doing it, TO ME. Okay…I’m losing it. Please help me! Do you think I should meet him? Or not? I will be forever in your debt 😀

Background story: https://fennychandra.wordpress.com/2008/08/04/karena-kutahu-engkau-begitu/

Platonic Love

Definition of platonic love (Latin: amor platonicus) is love beyond physical attachment, the existence of love despite impossibilities and challenges. According to Wikipedia, platonic love in its modern popular sense is an affectionate relationship into which the sexual element does not enter, especially in cases where one might easily assume otherwise. A simple example of platonic relationships is a deep, non-sexual friendship between two heterosexual people of the opposite sexes.

Love = shared perspective?

Love = shared perspective?

Often manifestation of such love is not marriage, however it is not lesser in value. The famous platonic known to the world is Kahlil Gibran’s love story. One may argue that his works of love would not have been so inspiring had he not been deeply in love with May Ziadeh, a woman he never married to, nor met in person.

Ragini Puri emphasizes it well.

A traditional and conservative society like ours looks on platonic relationships with suspecting eyes. It wonders whether in a friendship, physical attraction between the friends of opposite sexes can be sidestepped, whether platonic relationships – love and friendship without sexual alliance – can exist between a man and a woman. What they fail to understand is that platonic love is actually the sublimation of sexual urges into other forms of desires and attraction. It is love that looked beyond physical bodies to pure thoughts and intellectual stimulation.

Whether you agree or disagree, check out this one.. You can say it’s tragic. I’d say it’s beautiful.

Love one another, but make not a bond of love

Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.

Fill each other’s cup, but drink not from one cup.

Give one another of your bread, but eat not from the same loaf.

Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone,

Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music.

Give your hearts, but not into each other’s keeping;

For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts.

And stand together yet not too near together;

For the pillars of the temple stand apart,

And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other’s shadow.

Kahlil Gibran (The Prophet)

So…do you believe in platonic love? Do you think you can love someone you never kiss (or even never fantasize it)? Should I ask a monk (or a nun) to answer these questions? 😀 Since I’m not a nun (or I should say bhiksuni) I would say ‘nah.. I don’t believe it’s love’. If you don’t have the slightest desire to kiss him/her, then it ain’t love. Maybe it’s a cordial affection or brotherly love or friendship at its best. Yet, one more question lingers, could you develop a platonic love with someone you used to love romantically (or sexually, according to the definition)? Should I ask this to the lovely elderly couple who lives across the street? 😉 Well, I won’t start. They are probably -still- sexually active and me insisting this question will be a display of illicit mockery 😉

Okay, I pick a theme song to suit our mood of platonic love, Hayley Westenra – Both Sides Now. Enjoy!

The Perfect Stranger

I was rummaging for some interesting books in TGA, Senayan City when I heard it.

“Indonesians read all the books. Wow… Look at that Les Miserables”

I turned around and smiled.

“Really…they translate all to Bahasa. Even Paulo Coelho’s. Tsk tsk tsk…”

“Well…yeah,” I nodded. “But I’m not sure if it’s better understood in Bahasa. You know what I mean? Sometimes the words just don’t translate and it gets redundant and funny.”

“Excuse me, are you Indonesian or…?”

“Yes, I am”

“Sorry, I thought you were not. Your English is very good. Are you..ehmm half-Chinese or?”

“I am of Chinese descent hahaha…”

“Ok, that makes sense. Because you look like one! I’m Chinese also but I’m from Philippines. My grandparents are from Taiwan. I speak little Chinese though. Well, they live in Taiwan.”

“Same here… I can’t speak Chinese. I understand the basic conversation but don’t expect me to reply back hehehe… I have a Chinese name, can you believe it? And I don’t speak the language.”

There it goes, my confession 😛

“Ahh..It’s okay. Of course it’s good if you can, but it is so overrated that just because of some genetic background you have to master the whole cultural thingy!”

Wow..I love this person. So damn sensible!

“So..tell me something. Do you Indonesian read Les Miserables? I read the English version and it was so difficult. I was like..whewww you have that in Bahasa!”

“I’ve never read it. But I watched the movie, Claire Danes playing the daughter? Very good. I guess the book must be good too, or even better.”

“I never watch the movie. I only read the book. It’s good but I had to work extra hard to understand it hehe… But I would recommend this one. Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist. Very good. All his books are good and this one is a masterpiece.”

“Hmm…worth trying. Besides, it’s cheap!” 😛

I grab one copy.

“Are you into movies?”

“Yeah, you bet!”

“Gosh…me also! I just watched Bangkok Dangerous. It’s good. Well…the ending could have been better. But it’s okay. Not bad.”

“Nicholas Cage? Hmmm… gotta watch it!”

I totally love Nicholas Cage, even with his receding hair 😛

“Wow…we’ve got lots of things in common!”


(I have no better response than a clumsy ha-ha)

“Hey do you want to grab something to eat? I’m meeting some friends at dinner time. So it’s about 3 freakin hours of waiting?”

“Actually I’m also waiting for some friends. Errrr…where are we going?”

I hesitate for a moment.

Is it safe to go with a stranger?  But we have lots of fun and perfect conversation to begin with.

“Okay, I pay for this book first.”

I’m trying to buy some time. Go…not go…go…not go…

(intro of Puddle of Mudd’s She Hates Me. My message alert)

“Fen psn dr dina 15 mnt

lg dia nyampe.km tlg

telp dia.pulsanya abis.”

Okay…it’s the message from God. Maybe it is not safe to go with a total stranger.

“Sorry…my friend is coming in any time soon.”

“Ah..okay..no problem. I’ll go to Plaza Senayan, they have Periplus there. Some place where I can actually read a book and understand! Hahaha… Can I get your number?”

We exchange numbers.



Nice to meet you.

(That was my story of meeting a perfect stranger. We shared a good laugh, common interest, smart conversation, and above all, a strange chemistry. I would love to end this story with some hopeful remarks from some cheesy romantic love songs (I’ve finally found someone or We could be in love, to name some 😛 ). But I can’t. It’s not ‘him’. It’s ‘her’. Yep…my perfect stranger is a girl 🙂

PS: Nice to meet you, Chona Young. Hope we can hang out when you’re in the neighborhood 😉

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